I have been interested in games since my childhood. When I was at college, I discovered that making games also inspired me a lot. Working in the game industry is my dream. As a new graduate, I want to take responsibility, add something to myself and my team, push my limits, change somethings and make an impact.

Gökberk Şenocak


Türkiye Oyun Geliştiriciler Okulu (TOGO)

Game Developer Trainee,

(December 2022 - March 2023)

Google Oyun ve Uygulama Akademisi

Game Developer Trainee,

(January 2022 - June 2022)


Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi

Electrical-Electronics Engineering

(2016 - 2021)

Professional Skillset

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Teamwork & Collaboration

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Project Management


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Turkish (native)

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English (Intermediate)


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Domino Rhapsody

Domino Rhapsody is a puzzle-type game that I individually completed and published on the Google Play Store. The game utilizes a Json Save System, Object Pooling Pattern, and AdMob advertising system. The objective of the game is to fill rows or columns using correct connections to earn the highest score. You can find the description and Privacy Policy of the game on the last page of this website.

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Island Slingshot

The aim of the game is to collect the balls on the ground and hit the enemies with the collected balls by coming to the sling at the end of the platform. If the color of the ball and the enemy are the same, the enemy will be destroyed in one hit, if the colors are different, it takes 2 hits to destroy the enemy.

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2D Platformer

In this project, my biggest priority was to realize the project by taking into account the SOLID and OOP principles. Apart from that, I learned to use Singleton Design Pattern and Events at a certain level and I benefited from them in my project. By using extension methods and namespaces for the first time, I reinforced their learning.

If I talk about gameplay, our character can move by running and jumping. If he touches the enemy from the side he loses life, while if he touches it from the upper part, it destroys the enemy. Our character climbs the stairs to reach some platforms. The aim is to reach the house at the end of the level. There is also a checkpoint system in the game that saves the position when the gates are passed. Camera tracking was done with Cinemachine.

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Domino Gains Clone

The purpose of game is to make money by dropping dominoes. By clicking on the screen, we drop the dominoes and in the same way, we remove the stones by clicking on the screen. There are 4 different boosters in the game. These boosters allow you to earn money faster.

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Digit Shooter Clone

Made a clone version of the Digit Shooter game consisting of 3 levels. I used Scriptableobject to prevent data loss between levels. In this way, money and booster levels were transferred from level to level.

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Bakery Cycle

The aim of game is to operate bakery. There are 4 sections to interact with in the game. When it comes to these regions in the project, the time required for the transactions to take place is in the range of 1-2 seconds. These operations are done with Coroutine and Invoke functions. The movement of the character is provided by clicking on the screen. The path of the character is provided by using the PathCreator package.

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Bridge Race Clone

Bridge Race is a casual game where you try to get from one side of the pool to the other. To do this, you need to collect a bunch of blocks scattered on the ground and use them to create a passage. Bridge race has collecting and stacking/filling the collected pieces mechanics. In order for the AI's to pick up the right parts and reach the end of the game, it is ensured that the AI's are executed on the objects in the desired layer by using Physics.OverlapSphere.

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Wheel of Fortune

The goal is to spin the wheel and win prizes. The player can withdraw the rewards at the zone level he wants. If the slice with the bomb among the prizes is matched, the game is over and the game ends before the player receives any of the prizes he has collected. An advertising system, where you can only watch a one-time advertisement and get a second chance, has also been integrated into the project. For Zone-1, the contents of the slice can be determined and modified from the Unity Editor. The project is coded so that the content of the slices changes automatically at each zone transition. The project is designed in such a way that any award comes to the slices only once.

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Picker Clone

The purpose of the game; is to collect as many balls as possible with the collection object and to bring the desired amount or more balls to the compartments at the end of the platform. There are also items in the game that give an extra 5 points for pallets, extra balls and counting. There is also a progress bar in each level that shows how far is left to the finish line. In addition, there is a registration system in the project that continues from the level left in the game when it is reopened, even if the game is exited.

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Gameplay of Projects


Domino Rhapsody is a beautiful puzzle solving and brain training game. Place the dominoes according to their numbers using the correct connections, fill the rows and columns, earn points and try to get the highest score!


(Gizlilik Politikası)


This privacy policy outlines the practices of collecting, using, sharing, and disclosing personal data during the use of the Domino Rhapsody mobile game developed by Gökberk Şenocak.

Collection of Personal Data

The Domino Rhapsody mobile game does not collect any personal data from the user. However, when downloaded from the Google Play Store, various data may be collected by the Google Play Store from the user's device. This data may include information such as the device model, operating system version, IP address, location information, and other installed applications on the device. Google Play Store uses this data to enhance the game's performance, identify security vulnerabilities, and show users more relevant advertisements.

Use of Personal Data

As the Domino Rhapsody mobile game does not collect any user data, it does not use any personal data.

Sharing of Personal Data

As the Domino Rhapsody mobile game does not collect any user data, it does not share any personal data with any third party.

Children's Privacy

The Domino Rhapsody mobile game does not collect any personal data from users under the age of 18.


Any changes to the privacy policy of the Domino Rhapsody mobile game will be reflected on this page.


If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy of the Domino Rhapsody mobile game, you can contact us at the email address provided at the bottom of the page.


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